Avoid Deep Nesting & Return Early
Avoid deep nesting as much as possible and use early returns.
Early False/Negation Returns
Try checking for false conditions or negation conditions first so that the valid code remains at the bottom of the functions, this will help in readability and maintainability of the code。
逻辑判断为 falsy
Avoid Useless Variables As Much As Possible
Basically if you use the variable more than 2 times in a code then keep that variable else directly use it inside the code. This improves the readability and makes your code very cleaner.
Use Type Hinting For Method Parameters
Use Default Arguments Instead Of Short-Circuiting Or Conditionals
Use Ternary Operator ( ?:
Null Coalescing Operator ( ??
Encapsulate Conditionals
Writing conditions is not bad but if you encapsulate into methods/functions then it will help better readability and maintain code in future.
PDO Over mysqli or mysql functions
使用 PDO 好处:
- 防 SQL 注入。
- PDO 相当于数据库抽象层或对象关系映射层,如果将来更换了数据库驱动,不需要更改代码实现。
Use Composer For Dependency Management
Template Engines Over HTML & PHP Scrambled View Pages
Start using templating engines like smarty, twig, mustache, dwoo.
- 语法简介。
- 内置 HTML/PHP 输出自动转义。
- 便于分离逻辑和视图层。
- Session 管理简单。
- 视图页面模板具有便于继承复用等功能。
- 有些模板引擎可以缓存页面,加速页面渲染。
- 内置表单数据验证。
Run The Scripts With Time Limit
Cache Database Queries
- 限制一次获取的记录条数。
- 将常用查询结果缓存起来。